Category Archives: Notes

2014: The Beginning

I present you the highlights of 2014 in this English blog. Nothing much to report, actually, as I started again from scratch not long ago.

Cheers to more excitement in 2015. 😀

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 750 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 13 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Unlucky River #photo101

Bearing the name ‘Kali Malang’ (Indonesian word for ‘Unlucky River), the muddy canal is one of several rivers meandering through Jakarta. But would you believe me if I tell you that The Unlucky River is the cleanest of all?

Here are some snapshots for Day 3’s assignment of WordPress’ Photo Blogging Course. Today’s assignment include experimenting with vertical and horizontal angles.





I can see the different scope that each angle is able to capture. But unless I have to, I prefer to hold the phone horizontally.

By the way, judging from the color of the water, would you say it’s a clean river?

Recovering the Unrecovered

I had a strange reminiscence last night in a dream: an old username I used in the internet that kept ringing in my head even after I woke up. So I decided to google it and found an old blog that had only 1 post in 2005. This could possibly be my first blog post ever before I switched to Blogspot in favor of the more popular platform at that time.

But after several attempts of recovering the account, my heart sank while looking back at this precious ‘ancient’ site yet unable to recover the username, password and email address. Instead of recovering the unrecovered blog, I guess I must be content with recovering my heart. >.<
